Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Charlie Sheen was traced to hospital for drug and alcohol abuse emergency manager denied

 Xinhua BEIJING, Jan. 30 famous American actor Charlie - Sim (Charlie Sheen) trouble again on Thursday morning, police called an ambulance from his home to hospital, according to his agent revealed that Charlie Sheen as a serious Abdominal pain was the emergency room, but the entertainment Web site TMZ that he was in fact drugs since Wednesday morning has been drinking, but also to the neighbor with five porn stars in binge drinking.

According to Taiwan's Tuesday night, with five porn stars Charlie Sheen to the neighbor in binge drinking.

further reported that the 22-year-old porn stars Michael Jordan (Kacey Jordan) said Wednesday morning, it was worth $ 20,000 to the cocaine delivered to Charlie Sheen apartment after he and nights of stop drug use, drinking, and merry companion.

Thursday morning, Charlie Sheen harder and harder to feel pain, then call a neighbor for help, call an ambulance which took him to hospital. Charlie Sheen's manager Stan Rosenfield denied that he had drugs, only to have Charlie Sheen said diaphragm hernia problems, causing severe abdominal pain.

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